
Human Dynamics Assessment

September 30th, 2011   •   no comments   

Human Dynamics AssessmentsThere are two things that underlie everything that happens in an organization. They lie at the heart of every success, every failure, every innovation, sale, good idea, problem, and profit.

These two things are group dynamics and interpersonal skills. To the degree an organization has mastered these two elements it will be successful. To the degree it has not, it will fail.

Human dynamics underlie everything that happens in an organization. The degree to which leaders understand the human dynamics in their organization will determine their success or failure. Human dynamics assessment is the single most important first step a company can undertake in order to raise performance.

Human Dynamics Assessment

Human dynamics assessment is the single most important first step a company can undertake in order to raise performance. It consists of an in-depth look at the human underpinnings of an organization including values, norms, beliefs, attitudes, employee engagement, leadership and communication. The purpose of such an assessment is to provide an understanding of the human dynamics of the organization.

This then becomes the platform from which to launch an organization-wide planned change process that aims at increasing the health and effectiveness of the organization. There are numerous tools available, however, the underlying assumption of off-the-shelf instruments is that all companies are the same.

Since all companies are not the same, only a customized assessments can surface critical issues particular to any organization.

If you have any questions about how Human Dynamics Assessment can improve your organization please feel free send me a note from our contact page or email me at ADavid[at]theveritasgroup.com.

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